Data Factory, Data Lake, Data Warehouse

Extract additional value from the data your company has accumulated in its systems

Data Factory, Data Lake, Data Warehouse

A data warehouse is the first step towards data monetization. Collect data for strategic reporting and make key business decisions on their basis.

A data lake is a unified environment for working with complex data and any variations of analytical constructs. Hypotheses are created on their basis that determine the company’s development trajectory.

A data factory is a high-speed conveyor for creating a data product. Work with data faster than your competitors and stay ahead of the market.

«The new platform is a unique technological product on the Kazakhstan market which will enable us to build not only data-driven bank processes, but also create new innovative AI services on the cloud platform. The project based on Big Data technology demonstrated the first clear financial results which ensured business confidence in the technology and enabled the bank to increase interest income within three months after the launch of the first communications with clients based on the data factory.»
Anton Mussin
First Deputy Chairman of Halyk Bank’s Management Board
Increases the ROI threefold
Accelerates creation of any digital products
Improves data quality by 60% and simplifies working with it
Improves decision-making efficiency

Products and Solutions

Axon Data Governance
The product enables to combine all knowledge, build and maintain up-to-date a system of the most important information assets for business
Informatica PowerCenter
A leading industrial data integration platform enabling to effectively solve any integration challenges a company faces
Data Integration Platform
A leading industrial data integration platform enabling to effectively solve any integration challenges a company faces
Informatica Data Quality
The solution enables to analyze data quality, standardize and clean data, recognize and identify duplicates at the level of customized business rules
Informatica Data Engineering Quality
The solution ensures the Hadoop cluster data quality and enables to record high-quality data from a wide variety of systems on the cluster
Informatica Enterprise Data Catalog
The solution is designed to consolidate all metadata in a single repository, manage a single metadata catalog and provide efficient search and analysis of metadata
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