Digital Almaty 2024

Almaty, February 6, 2024

“Digital Almaty 2024: Industry X” Digital Evolution of the Future. The forum took place in Almaty from the 1st  to 3rd of February 2024. The event brought together leading experts from various fields, as well as representatives from businesses, government, and startups.

Digital Almaty 2024 was organized to discuss the latest trends and innovations in the field of digital technologies, as well as their impact on various sectors of the economy. The forum provided a unique opportunity for participants to exchange experiences, ideas, and find partners for future projects.

“The international forum Digital Almaty 2024 annually brings together leading global experts from 15 different countries. This year, we will discuss the topic of the digital industry. The industrial sector constitutes the main share of GDP in our country. In the new year, new digital solutions are needed to improve business processes in the economy. The forum platform provides wide opportunities for presenting and discussing key trends, projects, and technologies in this industry,” said Minister of Digital Development, Innovation, and Aerospace Industry Bagdat Musin.

One of the key themes of the forum was “Industry X: Digital Evolution of the Future.” Within this theme, experts discussed the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT), and many others. Innovative projects were presented that have the potential to change the world and impact our lives in the future.

Forum participants also discussed cybersecurity and data protection issues, which are becoming increasingly relevant in the era of digital transformation. Solutions and strategies were proposed to ensure security in the field of digital technologies.

The main outcome of Digital Almaty 2024 was the creation of a platform for further development of collaboration among participants and the stimulation of innovation in Kazakhstan and beyond. The event demonstrated that Almaty is an important center for digital evolution and can compete with other major global cities in terms of innovation and technological development.

The forum became a catalyst for the development of the digital economy, the creation of new jobs, and attracting investments to Kazakhstan. The organizers of the forum expressed hope that the event will become an annual platform for the exchange of experiences and inspiration, contributing to the further development of the digital community in the region and strengthening Kazakhstan’s position in the global digital space.

Source: News source.

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