Next Generation of Data Management

October 26, Baku

Next Generation of Data Management seminar dedicated to Artificial Intelligence and Data Management was held in Baku.

In an era where Data is often hailed as the new gold and Artificial Intelligence as the catalyst for transformation, this workshop is the ideal platform for collaboration, learning and innovation. We have brought together experts in this field such as the CEO of Evolution Inc. Ronen Tal-Botzer, PhD in Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Mathematical Modeling from Bar-Ilan University and Benny Rubinstein, PhD in Business Innovation to share their ideas, experiences and vision for the future and present of AI, and for the Evolution Inc. platform.

Also, Anuar Akishev, manager of the Data Analysis practice, spoke as a speaker from PwC in Kazakhstan, with the topic “Data Management in Technology Companies.”

The workshop covered important topics of data management, privacy, AI, machine learning and much more. Our goal is not only to understand the current state of AI and Data Management, but also to imagine how these technologies can transform our industry in Azerbaijan, solve complex problems and lead to more efficient and sustainable development in the region.

At the event, speakers addressed the following topics:

  • Importance of data for organizations. Market overview in the field of digital transformation
  • Intelligent Data Governance
  • Data Management in Technology Companies
  • AI for AI Economic Changes in AI R&D: How Data Units Can Become AI Factories
  • Data Fabric & Data Mesh. Smart Data Catalog
  • Master Data Management – crystalline grid of the organization

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